Bose Ogulu

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Bose Ogulu

Bola Ogulu, also known as Mama Burna, is a Nigerian academic, businesswoman and talent manager. She manages her son Burna Boy's musical career.Ogulu manages the musical careers of her son,Damini, who performs as Burna Boy, and of her daughter [Ogulu]. She managed Burna Boy until 2014 and then again from 2017 onwards, gaining the nickname Mama Burna


  • competence is an essential key to being successful.
  • There are many more milestones to attain. We need to not just step down and look at what we’ve done, but keep doing more.
  • There is a lot of work still to do, but the important thing is we are enough! Let us not be afraid to build brick by brick, avoid shortcuts, embrace structure, and then we will have a legacy.
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