Chikodili Emelumadu

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Chikodili Emelumadu is a British and Nigerian speculative fiction writer.


  • You have your own path, and you have to stick to your own path, because everybody's Chi is different.
  • You also need to know that you're on your own - even when you’re surrounded by people doing the same thing, you need to understand that you're not the same.
  • And so you will do whatever you can to achieve your goals. I mean, look at Killmonger, for heaven's sake.
  • You believe that your purpose is pure, is more refined, sophisticated, and more important than everybody else’s.
  • You treat people with reverence because you don't know who you're talking to, you could be greeting an ancestor that you've never met.
  • You can look for help later down the line, but you have to do the toughest bits of this gig yourself, read everything, even if it's niche and nobody else is interested in it, read it anyway.
  • If there’s a fear of confronting who you are and what you believe, you're never going to be a good writer because you need to be able to see through the eyes of people who are not the same as you.
  • Don't be afraid to read things that will shake you and will shake your faith.
  • Don't be afraid to read things that are controversial.
  • Do what you're supposed to do, and the rest will fall into place.
  • You can look for help later down the line, but you have to do the toughest bits of this gig yourself, read everything, even if it's niche and nobody else is interested in it, read it anyway
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