Doriane Kundwa

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Doriane Kundwa, crowned Miss Popularity and Miss Rwanda in 2015, is a dedicated advocate for children and women. In August 2015, she partnered with Children Cancer Awareness and Breast Cancer awareness initiatives. Additionally, she collaborated with Miss Kenya 2014 for Smile Train Africa, facilitating free surgeries for 150 children with cleft lips in Rwanda. [1]

Miss Rwanda 2015 with young performer


  • I miss my friends and family back home. I dearly miss the mere fact of being home, around Rwandans and everyone speaking Kinyarwanda. Sometimes I do forget and speak or respond to people here in Kinyarwanda. It's hilarious.
  • The Afri8)can girl child needs more deliberate empowerment from those that surround her. Even though my own country of Rwanda has made considerable strides in empowering the Rwandan girl, a lot is still missing in many countries in Africa.
  • As Miss Rwanda 2015, I somehow carry the entire nation with me. I represent Rwanda and Rwandans. This is something I do not take lightly.
  • Rwanda is a very beautiful country. The reference to Rwanda as a remarkable country of a "thousand hills and a million smiles" is true to the letter
  • There are perhaps more than three people that have impacted my life. However, my mother and father have played a huge role in making me who I am today. They have always been there for me. As I grew up, they constantly reminded me that I am capable of doing whatever I put my mind to.
  • The African girl child needs more deliberate empowerment from those that surround her. Even though my own country of Rwanda has made considerable strides in empowering the Rwandan girl, a lot is still missing in many countries in Africa.
  • The African girl child needs empowerment through education, protection from vulnerabilities before she turns 18 (even beyond) and needs to be allowed to participate in society freely and equitably. I am proud that Rwanda has made considerable efforts in allowing girls to study, gain access to socio-economic opportunities as well as be protected by the State from external harm.
  • I am inspired a lot by Biblical verses. The most memorable one for me, which I apply in my everyday life, is that "fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" from Isaiah 41:10.
  • I am passionate about God, business and knowledge. God because I cannot do without Him, business because I wish to create jobs and knowledge because it's the power that allows you to choose wisely. 
  • I am presently exploring a few business opportunities that can connect Rwanda and Canada meaningfully.

Miss Rwanda 2015