Enrique Dussel

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Enrique Dussel

Enrique Dussel (24 December 1934 – 5 November 2023) was an Argentine-Mexican philosopher, historian and theologian and teacher.


  • The just and urgent claims of ecology can be united to the claims for justice by the exploited person. Earth and poor humanity are exploited and destroyed simultaneously, by a capitalism whose criterion of the subsumption of technology is the growth of the rate of profit, and by a productivist Stalinism whose criterion was the growth of the rate of production, both of which are antiecological and anti-human systems.
    • The Underside of Modernity: Apel, Ricoeur, Rorty, Taylor and the Philosophy of Liberation, as translated and edited by Eduardo Mendieta (1996) p .13
  • The philosophical ethics most in fashion, the standard ones, and even those that have a critical orientation with a claim to being postconventional in character, are in fact themselves the ethics of minorities (most emphatically of hegemonic, dominating minorities; those that own the resources, the words, the arguments, the capital, the armies) that frequently and quite cynically can ignore the victims, those most affected, who have been dominated and excluded from the "negotiating tables" of the ruling system and from the dominant communities of communication.
    • Ethics of Liberation in the Age of Globalization and Exclusion (Duke University Press: 2013), p. xx
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