Eunice Atuejide

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Eunice Atuejide (born 16 August 1978) is a Nigerian businesswoman, lawyer, and politician. She is best known for founding the National Interest Party (NIP).and also the 2019 Nigeria Presidential candidate for the National Interest Party (NIP).

Eunice Atuejide in 2018


  • There are 84 million registered voters in Nigeria. 60% of them are under 30 and they don't have these biases that you're thinking. They're young and that's my power base.Those are the people that are taking me to the presidency.
  • Men and women who rule us are greedy with an overwhelming degree of selfishness. They go into government simply to chop their portion of the national cake. They are into government to pay lip-service to the manifestos they give the electorate to get them voted into power.
  • I am a lawyer with vast experience in legislative drafting and policy implementation. I am also a people organizer with experience leading political groups, one of which includes the formation and leadership of the now defunct political party, National Interest Party (NIP), the party upon which I stood to run for the office of President in 2019. All of these are factors I feel make me a great candidate for the position I seek.
  • We must learn to state our opinions clearly, & stand by them no matter whose oxes are gored! How else do you assure the electorates that your word is your bond?!
  • If it is APC, never; I'm not going to work with them. Forget it. However, if it is PDP, AAC or absolutely any of the other parties, I'm willing to go in there and see what I can do to help us create a better Nigeria.
  • We have to start making the men, women, children, the imams, the pastors and priests etc... understand that men and women are equal in the eyes of God. That is a challenge that I will have to deal with -- in terms of getting the average Nigerian to cast their vote for me.
  • To me, we need contributions & views from all sides (masculine & feminine) in designing the future Nigeria.

It’s neither a man’s world, nor a woman’s world. It is our world. We all matter! We all have a lot to offer, and equal weight must be given to our views.

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