Gloria Olusola Bamiloye

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Is a Nigerian dramatist, film actress, producer and director. She is a co-founder of Mount Zion Drama Ministry.She was born on the 4th of February, 1964 in Ilesa, a city in Osun State, southwestern Nigeria. Gloria was raised a Muslim, but converted to Christianity.


  • "Apart from having great achievement in the circular world, you still need to know why God has created you and the best way to do that is to go to God"
  • "Most of the problem we have is that we allow who we are to take over our senses and behaviour at times"
  • "Nothing stops you from getting to any level"
  • "If someone speaks against your vision , against what you believe in, RUN FROM THAT FRIEND, if not you will not go far"
  • "Looking down on yourself, having low self-esteem will reduce what God wants to do through you"

External References

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