Hawaii (1966 film)

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Hawaii is a 1966 epic film directed by George Roy Hill. It stars Julie Andrews, Max Von Sydow, and Richard Harris. It is based on James A. Michener's Novel of the same name's third chapter, which details the first missionaries arrive to Christianize the Islands.

Directed by George Roy Hill. Written by Dalton Trumbo and Daniel Taradash.
James Michener's novel reaches the Screen (taglines)

Abner Hale

  • I'll pray on the Matter.
  • My feelings for you are of such a deep and tender nature, so profoundly affectionate, that l...I...I dare not mention them.
  • God will punish you for that! Perhaps at Cape Horn. We will soon be at the cape. Is it there that the day of reckoning will come for those who refuse to heed God's word? Will tides as high has mountains engulf you and seawater fill your nostrils and your lungs? Will your eyes drop from their sockets at the bottom of the sea?
  • I think it would be better Keoki. If from now on you referred to me in the old way, as Reverend Hale.
  • Try to forget what I said to you last night. It is blasphemy. I place my love of you above my love of God. I will spend my life seeking its forgiveness.
  • You will receive no sustenance from us!
  • Oh God, bring them low, punish them! Send them Earthquakes! Plagues! Floods! Pestilence! Destroy them! DESTROY THEM, UTTERLY!
  • Now they will see, how God rebukes apostasy and incest. All of them will see, all of them, ALL OF THEM WILL SEE!
  • I killed Her. I simply killed Her.
  • In this place where I found God, Jerusha Bromley, and Ruth Malama Kanakoa. Beyond that, a man needs no friends.

Jerusha Bromley

  • [Singing] Oh, my raggedy, taggedy, little old scraggedy wishing doll. I'd see two fleecy clouds caress, and they become a snow white party dress For my wishing doll. And every rainbow way up there, becomes a silken ribbon for the hair of my wishing doll. And then one day...
  • My little sister's remark about a certain captain...I think I should tell you that two years ago I fell in love with a New Bedford man who came here on a visit. He was a whaler, a strong man, somewhat rough in his ways. Yet also gentle. And very handsome.
  • There is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel. I looked your name up, too.
  • Is it possible for anything to seem lovely without God having wanted it so?
  • It must be terribly hard for her to understand that a form of marriage she's always considered holy, is thought by us to be a deadly sin. I find it sad. Yes, I find it sad that after all these years together, two people should have to stop loving each other in order to love God.
  • And Ruth said, "Whither thou goest, I will go." Aloha nui.

Rafer Hoxworth

  • Rape is a rotten sport at any time. But in Lahaina, it's a downright waste of energy. Now get out of here and find yourselves some cooperative ones.
  • My men are not sailors, Reverend. They're whalers. and they haven't touched land in eight months. and my men have neither the strength nor the inclination to fight them off, neither, might I add, have I. If you'll excuse me.
  • I wanted you more than anything else on this Earth. I could have taken you by candlelight in your father's house, and you know that. May the Lord strike me dead if I ever pass up another virgin as long as I live. What a damn fool! What a God-abandoned fool!
  • You're harder to see than the Empress of China. A man has to fight every inch of the way.
  • Jerusha, I promise you. I won't touch you, I won't even look at you. Please, please come onboard my ship. I'll take you and your child to Honolulu and there I'll ship you both to Boston. You'll have an even chance of staying alive there. He'll kill you here, Jerusha. He will kill you.

Malama Kanakoa

  • Writing? This is good. It is our need. In one month time, I learn plenty writing.
  • No land! No like it! Every haole come here want land. You go now. Teach.
  • Many years before I die. Of Kelolo we talk another time.
  • This day new laws are made for us of Maui. Because these laws are made for two people, I speak them in our two tongues, English first and then Hawaiian.
  • My people, it is good that you did not let the church die. When you sleep, God will smile.
  • Hear me, for I speak to Kelolo. Dear brother, dear husband, God commands you to be sent away from me. Sent away to a faraway place. No more shall I sleep in your arms. No more shall you see me again in the sunlight. I have said it.

Reverend Eliphalet Thorn

  • You have set forth as one family in Christ. Everything you possess, both now and in the future, belongs to that family. You will receive no salaries, neither will you engage in any enterprise for personal gain. I have no doubt that you would do conspicuously well in business, but you have been called to serve the Lord, and it is to this business that you must attend. You are directed to accomplish two divine missions...to bring the heathen to the Lord and civilize him. You will lift up the heathen, step by step, until he stands with you, and before you leave the scene, the pulpits you erect will be filled by him. You are to spend yourselves in Christ so generously that in later years it may be said of you, "They came to a nation in darkness, they left it in light."

Keoki Kanakoa

  • You who have trained for your ministries here at Yale College, and only yesterday received your diplomas, cannot begin to imagine what that can do to the human soul. Even the Reverend Dr. Thorn finds it unbelievable that only 43 years ago, when the English Captain Cook arrived in Hawaii, my brothers stood for the first time face to face with a Christian world whose existence they had never even dreamt of. We beheld your weapons, your tall ships, your way with books and numbers, and we could not doubt the greatness of your Christian God. In less than one generation we leveled our temples, burnt our pagan idols, and stood like waiting children for the revelation you promised to send us. But instead of sending God's words, you sent adventurers to steal our lands... pestilence to ravage our countrysides, strong drink to devour the manhood of our sons, and devils in the shape of whalers to despoil our daughters and cast them aside like little wounded animals...to die in torment of that disease for which we had no name until you came. We hunger for the word of God. Yet in the four years I've lived among you, no one yet has said to me, "Keoki Kanakoa, I will go with you to Hawaii to save the souls of your people."
  • I sought a way to serve my people. Not to spy upon them.
  • She is not in her grave, Reverend Hale. In her last words to our father, she said, "For their own good, my people must become Christians, so let Makua Hale bury me in the Christian way as an example. Then dig me up and hide my bones in the old way, so that Kane and Kanaloa and Pele will know that I love them, too."


Reverend Thorn: It's past 3:00.
John Whipple: I'm sorry, Reverend Thorn. You said the lists were closing tonight, and Brother Hale and I decided to volunteer for Hawaii.
Reverend Thorn: You have? Come on in. [leads Abner and John to his study] Why did you not stand forth with the others at a more appropriate hour?
Abner Hale: I wasn't sure of my worthiness, sir. I asked Brother Whipple to stay with me and pray for God's direction.
Reverend Thorn: I assume the Lord has spoken to you again? [starts lighting the fireplace]
Abner Hale: He has, sir. When Prince Keoki spoke tonight, I heard the voice of God commanding me to go to Hawaii and bring His word to the heathen. It was clearer than the personal revelation I experienced when I was only 15, that mystical...
Reverend Thorn: Yes, I remember. I am very pleased that you are volunteering, Brother John. I'd always thought that as a doctor you were more interested in medicine than in theology.
John Whipple: Tonight I realized I could serve God in both capacities.
Reverend Thorn: You should hear from the board of commissioners within the week.
Abner Hale: Thank you very much, Reverend Thorn. I promise I will...
Reverend Thorn: Your case will take longer.
Abner Hale: Why?
Reverend Thorn: Your teachers tell me that you were somewhat proud of your sanctity.[writes their names in the mission book] The Lord God Jehovah is not your uncle, Brother Hale. He is your Creator.
Abner Hale: But every day I repeat the biblical injunction against pride. Proverbs 16:5: "Every one that is proud..."
Reverend Thorn: Yes, I...I know the verse. I presume that like most of our young volunteers,you are still confronted with the problem of finding a wife.
John Whipple: No, sir. My cousin has agreed to marry me.
Abner Hale: I don't understand.
Reverend Thorn: You must have a wife. We do not send young men to live among the naked savages without wives. At your age, you probably have some dedicated female in view. [Picks up a candle]
Abner Hale: No sir. I haven't.
Reverend Thorn: No one at all?
Abner Hale: No sir. I'll pray on the matter.
Reverend Thorn: It will require more than prayer, Brother Hale. [Smiles]
Abner Hale: Sir, I beg you to accept me on this mission. I promise that if you bestow upon me the holy privilege of saving those poor souls in agony, it will be a commitment to the...
Reverend Thorn: You will be hearing from us. Now, I really must insist on bidding you good night. [ushers them out from the house]
Abner Hale: I assure you, I have heard this call clearly.
Reverend Thorn: Yes, Brother, you will be hearing from us, I promise.

Abner Hale: I cannot think it right for a young woman of your breeding to travel across 18,000 miles of stormy seas to a savage land...
Jerusha Bromley: I know all about Hawaii. Prince Keoki lectured at our church. [scene dissolves to Walpole's town square]
Abner Hale: It is horrible. My life will be one of work, poverty, bad food... living in a grass hut surrounded by filth and savages. [scene dissolves to the Bromleys' garden leading to the house]
Jerusha Bromley: Why do you try to make Hawaii seem even worse than it is?
Abner Hale: Because I will not spoil your life, Miss Bromley. You are so beautiful, and I am of such little consequence, that I put the idea of marriage completely out of mind the moment I saw you.
Jerusha Bromley: Am I so little to you, then?
Abner Hale: You are more to me than anyone can know. My feelings for you are of such a deep and tender nature, so profoundly affectionate, that l... I...I dare not mention them.
Jerusha Bromley: But you have dared. And in doing so you have dishonored me. [walks to the gazebo]
Abner Hale: [following her] But, Miss Bromley! How?
Jerusha Bromley: No gentleman would explain his feelings so explicitly to a lady without previous proposal of marriage.
Abner Hale: But I...You wouldn't think of going to Hawaii with a man like me. Would you?
Jerusha Bromley: Not if he wasn't my husband.
Abner Hale: Goodness! I certainly didn't mean to imply that! [kneels down to propose her] I would protect you...and cherish you...and love you all the years of my life...if only you could find it in your heart to... marry me.
Jerusha Bromley: It is in my heart. [much to Abner's suprise that she accepted his proposal, despite his lack of socialization skills. Then quoting 2 Samuel 3:38] There is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel. I looked your name up, too.

[Upon seeing Abner preaching the ship's mason while doing his work]
Captain Janders: Reverend Hale! [Abner looks up] I thought I told you to leave those men alone.
Abner Hale: You forbade me to enter the forecastle. But you did not forbid me to bring them the word of God while they are at work.
Captain Janders: What word were you bringing to young Cridland? He kept the whole watch awake last night hollering in his sleep about hell fire and damnation.
Abner Hale: I reminded him briefly of his sins and read certain passages from the Holy Bible.
Captain Janders: To an ignorant man, the Bible can be terrifying book.
Abner Hale: More than the profane novels I observe in your cabin?
Captain Janders: Do you think that Smollett and Defoe and Voltaire are profane?
Abner Hale: They are damnable.
Captain Janders: Have you read them?
Abner Hale: Must I commit murder to judge it a sin? [darts to the passengers' quarters below]
Captain Janders: Why is it with so many attractive young people on board, it's always that mangy scarecrow that's well enough to eat with us?

[Malama, greeting the Mission wives, tells them in Hawaiian, which Keoki translates]
Keoki Kanakoa: My mother, Malama, says welcome. These are the first lhaole women she has ever seen. Haole is our word for people of the white race. She says that until now you have sent only sailors and troublemakers. But since you bring your women, your intentions must be good.
Abraham Hewlett: Please express our thanks to the Alii Nui. Tell her that in order to help her people we intend to establish missionaries throughout these islands.
Malama Kanakoa: I know little bit English already. How you meaning help my people?
Abner Hale: Help them to know God.
John Whipple: And Reading too, and Writing.
Malama Kanakoa: Writing? This is good. It is our need. In one month time, I learn plenty writing.
Abner Hale: [stubbornly] But first you must learn about God, without Whose grace all writing is useless.
Malama Kanakoa: [stares longingly to Abner] First write. Then maybe I listen your god. [continues to move forward, greeting other Mission wives, including Jerusha. Then Keoki translates Malama's words to them]
Keoki Kanakoa: She says you are adorable, puny women.
Jerusha Bromley: [as Malama approached her] Will you tell her that she and your father are very handsome? And that Lahaina seems as lovely as New England, though in quite a different way.
Malama Kanakoa: [embraces Jerusha] Aloha nui! Aloha nui!
Keoki Kanakoa: Aloha nui means "Love intense".
Malama Kanakoa: I like you here. You stay Lahaina. She teach me write.
Abner Hale: Alii Nui. I'm not assigned to your island. My mission is in Honolulu.
Malama Kanakoa: Where you go, I not care. Her stay here. [takes Jerusha to her canoe]
Abner Hale: But Mrs. Hale is my wife.
Malama Kanakoa: She your wife?
Abner Hale: Yes.
Malama Kanakoa: I let you stay, too. You come now.
[Rev. Immanuel Quigley, originally recruited to Lahaina, talks to Abner about the situation]
Immanuel Quigley: We can trade, Brother Hale. Jephtha and I can go on to Honolulu. You and Sister Hale can stay here in Lahaina.
Kelolo Kanakoa: Her got plenty much mana. Her one time wife with Kamehameha.
Keoki Kanakoa: Kamehameha had 21 wives. My mother is Alii Nui. So she's entitled to other husbands as well.
Abner Hale: You mean...she was married to Kamehameha and your father at the same time?
Keoki Kanakoa: She had to marry my father because he is her brother. The Alii Nui may only have children by her brother, otherwise her mana would be profaned by outside blood.
[unfortunately, Urania Hewlett, Rev. Abraham Hewlett's wife, fainted because of Marital complications about Incest]
Abner Hale: Water! Please bring water, somebody!

[Abner, watching Keoki embracing Noelani on the beach]
Abner Hale: Who is that naked female?
Kelolo Kanakoa: Her my small, little daughter named Noelani. One day she grow big and be the Alii Nui the time when Malama die.
Abner Hale:Then she's Keoki's sister?
Kelolo Kanakoa: One day her marry with Keoki. Together, they get keikewahine. Make one more Alii Nui.
Keoki Kanakoa: Reverend Hale? This is my sister Noelani.
Abner Hale: Do you realize that your father expects you to marry this girl and have children by her?
Keoki Kanakoa: Yes I will explain this to her later...
Abner Hale: No, now, make it clear now.
Noelani Kanakoa: I understand English, Reverend Hale.
Abner Hale: Then you must also understand that your brother is a Christian and any lustful union between you is a damnable sin and must not take place.
[Noelani, asking Keoki if this is true, which he answers, then Noelani leaves in disgust]
Keoki Kanakoa: I wish I had been given a little more time to prepare her.

Abner Hale: I've already waited three weeks! I must see her.
Jerusha Bromley: Abner! Abner!
[Abner turns around, saw Jerusha running with a baby on her hands, being pursued by his real Mother, who was screaming hysterically]
Abner Hale: What is it?
Jerusha Bromley: This baby, she was gonna bury it alive! [to the sentries guarding the palace compound] Let us through, please, let us through.
[However, the baby's mother, the sentries barred her from entering the grounds]
Malama Kanakoa: This baby got evil spirit.
Jerusha Bromley: It isn't an evil spirit, it's only a birthmark. Look! And see how fat and healthy he is!
[the baby has a birthmark on the left of his face]
Malama Kanakoa: Bad thing. More better he die quick.
Abner Hale: Does this killing of innocent children go on all the time?
Malama Kanakoa: Only sometime they little bit sick like this one.
Abner Hale: If such children are not wanted, we will establish a home for them. They must not be killed! A wise Alii Nui would make that a law.
Malama Kanakoa: Too much law make people mad. [commanding her lady-in-waiting to take the baby but Abner and Jerusha refused] She not kill him, Hale wahine. Only feed him. [reluctantly they gave the infant away] We sit down, now. Make another lesson.
Abner Hale: Alii Nui. If I may have a moment, I've been trying...
Malama Kanakoa: I learn English now. Go away.
Jerusha Bromley: It would only take a moment, Alii Nui. He wants to talk about some land.
Malama Kanakoa: Land? You want land?
Abner Hale: Yes, I must have land in order to...
Malama Kanakoa: No!
Abner Hale: I beg your pardon?
Malama Kanakoa: No land! No like it! Every haole come here want land. You go now. Teach.
Abner Hale: If you will only permit me...
Malama Kanakoa: No! Go away!
[then with one hopeful glance to Jerusha, he leaves]
Jerusha Bromley: He doesn't want the land for himself. And he doesn't want very much land, either. Just enough to build a church on.
Malama Kanakoa: You like it, him build this church?
Jerusha Bromley: Yes, I would like it very much.
Malama Kanakoa: I tell Kelolo find little bit piece land, give men, help build him his church. Now teach me.

[Abner, dragging the naked Iliki out from Fredericks' grog shop]
Mr. Morris: Hey you want her for yourself Reverend?
Sailor (voice): Who the hell does he think we are?
Abner Hale: How can you do this to these innocent children? Have you no mothers at home, no sisters? May God in His mercy forgive you. [rushes out from the shop].
Sailor: Come back, Reverend, I'll buy you a drink! [the sailors laugh at the joke as Abner and Iliki rush out from the building]
Abner Hale: [to Iliki] Go home at once, you wicked creature!
Iliki: I no do nothing bad!
Abner Hale: Go home!
[Iliki leaves. Abner, going to the grog shop to stop the activity there is distracted by a scream on the beach, which Abner saw it was Noelani, who was dragged by three sailors back to the ship, to rape her there]
Abner Hale: Let that girl go! [picks up a club] Let her go! [knocks one of the sailors. Captain Rafer Hoxworth, who was watching a few yards away, rushes for help. While another sailor produced a pocket knife to defend himself, but he is knocked by the swing of Abner's club. That same sailor tries to retrieve his pocket knife but he is kicked off by Rafer, who picks up his pocket knife and throws it away]
Rafer Hoxworth: Dillon!?
Abner Hale: Let her go!
[Noelani, breaks free from her captor's grip, snatches Abner's club and beating her captor]
Abner Hale: [controlling her to stop] That's enough! Stop it! That's enough. Stop it now.
Rafer Hoxworth: Rape is a rotten sport at any time. But in Lahaina, it's a downright waste of energy. [to the sailors] Now get out of here and find yourselves some cooperative ones.
Abner Hale: [still holds Noelani to avoid harm] This is the daughter of our Alii Nui.
Rafer Hoxworth: My compliments to the Alii Nui. My apologies to you. Are you alright?
[Noelani, throws the club to Rafer but missed. Breaks free from Abner's grip and leaves]
Abner Hale: You bear the responsibility for the depredations of your men.
Rafer Hoxworth: I do.
Abner Hale: [following him] As God's instrument on Earth, I order you to take your sailors back to your ship!
Rafer Hoxworth: My men are not sailors, Reverend. They're whalers. And for over three years, they've been on this voyage and they haven't touched land in eight months. Now, the females of Lahaina have got the warmest blood in the Pacific, and my men have neither the strength nor the inclination to fight them off, neither, might I add, have I. If you'll excuse me. [darts to the grog shop]
Jerusha Bromley: [running to him] Abner? Abner? Iliki came in crying and... [brushes Rafer out of the way]
Rafer Hoxworth: Jerusha?
[Rafer and Jerusha stare for a moment, it was three years since they haven't corresponded each other]
Jerusha Bromley: Rafer!
Rafer Hoxworth: Jerusha Bromley! [the two embrace, much to Abner's disgust] What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Walpole waiting for me there!
Jerusha Bromley: I... How could I have waited? You didn't write, I had no...
Rafer Hoxworth: Write? I wrote from Canton, from Manila, from Santiago, from Honolulu... Jerusha, I've never seen anything so beautiful...
Abner Hale: Captain, you may not behave in that manner!
Rafer Hoxworth: Shut up! I'm speaking to Miss Bromley.
Jerusha Bromley: Rafer, I'm Married.
Rafer Hoxworth: [suprised] Married?! [looks up to Abner, who is behind him, then to her] Oh, my God, not him! What did he do, pray you into bed?
[Abner slaps him, then in retaliation Rafer punches him and knocks him out. In panic Jerusha rushes to help him but she is stopped by Rafer, who holds her shoulders tightly]
Rafer Hoxworth: For two years now, I thought of nothing but you, night and day, on sea and land, nothing but you! [carries Jerusha to his ship] I'm not going to let you go a second time.
[through this Abner, now regains consciousness, picks up a pocket knife that discarded earlier, lunges to Rafer, intending to kill him]
Jerusha Bromley: [seeing the knife on Abner's hand] Abner, don't!
[Rafer turns around, seeing the knife he grabs and fracturing Abner's arm, then punches him on the stomach, disarming the knife]
Jerusha Bromley: Oh stop it, Rafer! Rafer, I'm expecting, I'm with child!
[Rafer then looks up to her, lets go his arm, and kicking him on the stomach]
Jerusha Bromley: [rushing to him] Oh go away, go away! Leave us alone!
Rafer Hoxworth: I wanted you more than anything else on this Earth. I could have taken you by candlelight in your father's house, and you know that. [then Jerusha looks up to him] May the Lord strike me dead if I ever pass up another virgin as long as I live. What a damn fool! What a God-abandoned fool!
[Rafer leaves, while Jerusha cradles Abner to make him comfortable from the pains of his fractured arm]

[Abner, his head over her stomach, checking to make sure the unborn child is still alive]
Abner Hale: Jerusha, don't bear down anymore.
Jerusha Bromley: I can't help it.
Abner Hale: You must hold back on the next pain.
Jerusha Bromley: What is it? Is something wrong with the baby?
Abner Hale: Nothing's wrong with the baby. Listen to me carefully. It's in the breech position. You remember what that is. You must hold back on the next pain. [then Jerusha began to feel more pains, then tries to hold back the pain. Iliki, on the other hand, cringes in horror] Pant, breathe through your mouth, anything! But hold back!
Jerusha Bromley: I CAN'T!!! I CAN... [groans painfully]
Abner Hale: [shaking her] Listen, listen to me. Jerusha, listen to me! I've got to try to turn the baby around. The book said if it is not delivered within three minutes, it will die. Do you understand?
Jerusha Bromley: All right.
Abner Hale: All right. When the next pain comes...
Jerusha Bromley: It's coming now.
Abner Hale: Scream if you want to! HOLD BACK! [instead of holding back, Jerusha pushes out] No! No, don't push! Hold back! [to Iliki] Iliki, hand me the towels. Quickly, Iliki!
[Jerusha, trying to hold back the pain she suffered, began to whimper as the child goes to the final stage of birth, she cannot control the pain so, outside their hut a scream is heard, much to everyone's suprise]
Malama Kanakoa: Auwe. Auwe.


  • James Michener's novel reaches the Screen.
  • Private passions...clashing cultures...and tragedy (UK DVD release).