Jim Ross

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Good God, almighty!

James William "Jim" Ross (born January 3, 1952, in Fort Bragg, California[1]) is a professional wrestling commentator, referee, restaurateur, and former WWE executive. He is widely regarded by his peers as the greatest play-by-play announcer in professional wrestling history. [2]

Commentary Quotes


As a play-by-play commentator Ross keeps the viewers' interest with a range of legendary catchphrases which have been well documented and plastered to many of World Wrestling Entertainment's greatest moments. These include:

  • "Austin's stompin' a mudhole and walkin' it dry!" (usually said when Professional Wrestler Steve Austin is stomping his opponent in the corner) [3]
  • "Business is about to pick up here!" (usually said when someone music/pyro hits) [3]
  • "He's not just trying to hurt the man - he's out to end his career!" (usually said when a heavyweight or superheavyweight is destroying his opponent) [4]
  • "Look at the Carnage!" (usually said when there are wrestlers all over the place and outside of the ring)[3]
  • "[...] is being "whipped like a government mule!" (usually said when someone is taking a beating, most of the time when somebody is getting whipped with a belt)[3]
  • "[...] is running like a scalded dog! (usually said when a heel wrestler flees from a fight)"[3]
  • "It's gonna be a slobber knocker!" (said usually referring to the match) [3]
  • "Good God, almighty!" (said usually when someone or something unexpected happens during a match)
  • "He's tougher than a two-dollar steak!"
  • "He's been left high and dry" (when someone has missed a top rope maneuver)[3]
  • "AS GOD AS MY WITNESS, HE IS BROKEN IN HALF!" (most famously uttered during the Undertaker vs Mankind match at King of the Ring 1998)
  • "IF ANYONE DESERVED TO BE TAKEN INTO THE WOODS AND BEATEN LIKE A DOG, IT'S THAT YOUNG MAN RIGHT THERE" (Spoken about Christian during Wrestlemania after his attack on Trish Stratus.

Commentary Nicknames


Ross also has been credited for giving nicknames to many professional wrestlers in his commentary these include:

  • "Great Athletes" and sometimes "Greatest Athletes in the world today!" (when talking about WWE Superstars) [5]
  • "It's that rabid wolverine, Chris Benoit!" [5]
  • "It's the Game!" (when talking about Triple H) [6]
  • "Jezebel!" (when talking about a female heel (villain) wrestler) [5]
  • "The World's Angriest announcer" (when talking about Tazz in his blogs) [7]
  • (A) "Walrus", a "Poor Excuse for a human being", "a hemorrhage on the buttcheek of life" and "no part human." (when talking about Paul Heyman)[5]
  • "It's the Great One, The People's Champion The Rock" [5]
  • "He has earned his reputation as the toughest son of a bitch in the WWE!" (during the entrance of Stone Cold Steve Austin [1] in Wrestlemania XIX, before his match with The Rock)


  1. Ross, Jim (January 5, 2008). J.R.'s Blog » Happy New Year Everyone! Lots of Feedback Answered Today... Life Goes On... and So Does Work.... JRsBarBQ.com. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
  2. For testimonials on Ross's career as well as Ross's speech detailing his early career, see the induction video from his WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2007 induction as part of the Wrestlemania 23 DVD set.
  3. a b c d e f g Ross, Jim (January 5, 2008). J.R.'s WWE Profile. JRsBarBQ.com. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
  4. Ross, Jim (January 5, 2008). J.R.'s imdb Profile. JRsBarBQ.com. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
  5. a b c d e Ross, Jim (January 5, 2008). Nicknames. JRsBarBQ.com. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
  6. Fauber, Gary (2008-07-26). From small town to big time. The Register-Herald. Retrieved on 2008-07-28.
  7. Ross, Jim (January 5, 2008). Angriest Announcer. JRsBarBQ.com. Retrieved on 2008-01-06.
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