Khanyi Dlomo

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Khanyi Dhlomo

Khanyi Dlomo is a South African Fashion and Media mogul. She is a Co- founder of Luminance Luxury store. In addition she was the first black News broadcaster for Sabc1. [[1]]


  • "I don't think empowerment is about 'OK, so you've got one deal, you've made your first million so thank you, we've empowered you, goodbye. I think that if you watch the more financially mature societies like the white society in South Africa, in business papers you read everyday repeatedly of deals being done that are financed and are being done by people who already are very wealthy."*
  • "I think that if we want true equality it's not about just allowing people to enter an industry. It's also about allowing people who have been able to get ahead in other industries and maybe want to grow into other industries to be able to do that and that's how we'll get equality and true levelling of the playing field"*
    • [2]by Verashni Pillay
  • "... failure is an opportunity to learn and to do better next time. It’s part of the path to greatness, which was never meant to be smooth."*
  • "I admire anyone who turns what they believe into a reality, despite the obstacles along the way."*
  • There’s a lot of innovation happening in Africa. But it’s not necessarily sexy in sort of the globally expected way. Much of the innovation is around solving problems and meeting real human needs."*
  • "You shouldn’t set out to emulate anyone. Rather be the best you can be. Figure out what your passions are and get training and education to move forward in that field. Pursue your dreams passionately. Aim to be beautiful on the outside and the inside, and that way you’ll make a positive difference in people’s lives."*
  • "There is power in having a vision, but it has to be articulated and be made a reality."*
  • "We have to be comfortable with the idea of not being able to be everywhere we are required. Be comfortable that wherever you are the most important thing is that you are giving that particular situation the best of you and the best of your time,"*
  • "The saddest thing is to die with your dreams inside you, never having pursued them. I think a lot of regrets come from not having done things we were meant to do. It's important to keep active and to try and achieve your goals. And there's a huge value in having gained experience in other things which you can then apply to what you decide to do. So no matter your age, go for it."
    • [3]by Lioness of Africa, 29 September 2017, Retrieved 11 November 2023
  • Failure is a part of life, and it is especially common in the world of entrepreneurship. However, it is important to view failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. Every failure can teach you something new about yourself, your business or the market.[4]
  • It can also help you identify areas where you need to improve. Instead of dwelling on your failures, embrace them as stepping stones to success. Use them to learn and grow, and use them to make your business stronger.[5]
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