Leleti Khumalo

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Leleti Khumalo (born 30 March 1970) is a South African actress known for her leading role in the movie and stage play Sarafina! and for her roles in other films such as Hotel Rwanda, Yesterday and Invictus, as well as the soap opera Imbewu: The Seed where she plays Nokubonga "MaZulu" Bhengu and on Uzalo as MaNzuza.


  • Equality issues arise when women see that they aren’t being taken care of. They then tend to ask, ‘Why am I different to a man or what makes me different?’
  • I always differ with that. We are not men, we are women, we need to be treated as such, we need to be seen, heard and respected.
  • They should be at the forefront. Women are making sure that their households, husbands and children are being taken care of. I believe their rights should be different, we should always be favoured as women, everything that talks to a women should be different from men.
  • Once you take something to the big screen, you’re introducing it to the world.
  • When we were making 'Sarafina!’, no one thought it was going to be so huge. At that moment we were just focused on delivering the way we were suppose to, we weren’t thinking if it was going to be a success.
  • As women, go through your struggles, fight your fight, but always know that having hope can help us with winning,
  • We all go through different struggles in life, but what is important when you are going through that journey is that you must have hope.
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