Li Shangfu

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Li Shangfu in 2023

Li Shangfu (Chinese: 李尚福) (born February 1958) is a Chinese aerospace engineer and general of the People's Liberation Army (PLA). Li served as State Councilor of the People's Republic of China and the Minister of National Defence from March 2023 to October 2023.



Speech at the 20th Asia Security Summit The Shangri-La Dialogue (4 June 2023) (excerpts)

The Asia Pacific is a shared home where regional countries live and thrive. A sustained prosperity and stability in our region hinges on sound security and development environment.
Some country has willfully interfered in other country's internal affairs and matter in the affairs of other countries and frequently resorted to unilateral sanctions, incursion with force.
At the end of the day, only enhancing dialogue and communication and promoting solidarity and cooperation will ensure stability in our region.
The Communist Party of China, uniting and leading the Chinese people in concerted efforts of several generations, has successfully blazed a Chinese path to modernization.
The achievements China has made come from the hard work, diligence and creativity of more than one billion Chinese people; not from aggression, expansion, and pondering.
China stays committed to the path of peaceful development. But we will never hesitate to defend our legitimate rights and interests, let alone sacrificing the nation's core interests.
Taiwan is an internal affair of China, which is a primary and indisputable fact. Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and how to resolve the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese to decide.
China must be and will be reunified. It is the aspiration of our people and in line with the trend of our times.
The right way for China and the US to get alone is following the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.


  • In China, we have a city called Shangri-La in Yunnan Province and a small town also called Shangri-La in Sichuan Province. Shangri-La is synonymous with a utopia of purity, beauty, harmony and serenity.
  • Today, as we look around, we see sluggish global economic recovery, resurging cold war mentality, rising regional conflicts, and security threats emerging one after another. Our world is far from tranquil, and people across the countries long for peace, development and cooperation.
  • The Asia Pacific is a shared home where regional countries live and thrive. A sustained prosperity and stability in our region hinges on sound security and development environment. This is something that has not come easily. And regional countries have done so much to have made it possible. On the other hand, we should not ignore that the Asia Pacific faces unprecedented security challenges.
  • First, mutual respect should prevail over bullying and hegemony. Facts have proven that where there is hegemonism and power politics, there will be instability kills, and even worse. We, in China, believe that the key for countries to live in harmony is mutual respect and treating each other as equals. We are strongly opposed to imposing one's own will on others, placing one's own interests above those of others, and pursuing one's own security at the expense of others.
  • Some country has willfully interfered in other country's internal affairs and matter in the affairs of other countries and frequently resorted to unilateral sanctions, incursion with force. It has incited colour revolutions and proxy wars in different regions create a chaos and turbulence and just walked away leaving a mess behind. We must never allow such things to happen again in the Asia Pacific.
  • The essence of mutual respect lies in respecting each other's strategic autonomy and the right to development. On the contrary, hegemonism essentially deprives others of their strategic autonomy and the right to development.
  • Second, fairness and justice should transcend the law of the jungle. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. International affairs should be handled by all countries through consultation rather than be dictated by one or a few countries.
  • It is so called rules-based international order. It never tells you what the rules are and who made these rules. It practices exceptionalism and double standards and only serves the interests and follows the rules of a small number of countries. A just an equitable environment for development meets the shared interests of Asia Pacific countries. Anyone who attempts to fleece the flock or prey on the weak will surely be opposed by countries in the region.
  • Third, eliminating conflicts and confrontation through mutual trust and consultation. It is natural for countries to disagree with each other. But there are two approaches to addressing differences. One is exacerbating tension and adding fuel to flames, while the other is seeking consensus and promoting reconciliation and negotiations. It is quite clear which one is the right choice.
  • As a matter of fact, regional countries have every wisdom and capability to settle their differences and disputes. At the end of the day, only enhancing dialogue and communication and promoting solidarity and cooperation will ensure stability in our region.
  • Fourth, preventing block confrontation with openness and inclusiveness. The cold war mentality is now resurging and greatly increases security risks of block confrontation in the Asia Pacific. Some big power continue to promote its so-called Indo-Pacific strategy. China holds that no strategy should be based on ideological ground and aim to build exclusive military alliances against imagined threats, as this could easily lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • The true design of pushing for NATO-like military alliances in the Asia Pacific is to hold countries in the region hostage and play up conflict and confrontation that attempts will only plan to the region into a whirlpool of division, disputes and conflicts. History has proven that block politics, division and confrontation have never delivered genuine security. They can only escalate tensions and destabilise the region.
  • Today, what Asia Pacific needs are big pies of open and inclusive cooperation, not smoke leaks[?] that are self-serving and exclusive. We must never forget the catastrophes inflict by the two World Wars and the Cold War. And we must never allow such tragedies to happen again.
  • China is committed to promoting world peace and development with concrete actions. The Communist Party of China, uniting and leading the Chinese people in concerted efforts of several generations, has successfully blazed a Chinese path to modernisation. One distinctive feature of the Chinese path is peaceful development. This is an invaluable guide for our way forward that we have developed through years of hardships and dedicated efforts.
  • The achievements China has made come from the hard work, diligence and creativity of more than one billion Chinese people; not from aggression, expansion, and pondering. Wherever China goes, we focus on building capacity, seeking cooperation and promoting development. This is widely recognised by the international community. As a Chinese saying goes, adjust course should be pursued for common good. China is ready to join hands with all countries on the path towards modernisation, and create new opportunities for global stability and prosperity.
  • Second, Chinese modernisation has contributed significantly to safeguarding world peace. Peaceful development is enshrined in China's constitution. We firmly pursue a national defense policy that is defensive in the first place and have endeavoured to safeguard world and regional security.
  • I once read a line written by Chinese soldier on his mission. And here I quote, “If people ask why go into such dangerous places to keep peace, please tell them someone must step forward to safeguard the fundamentals of human civilization.” This is a simple wish of a Chinese soldier. It is also a solemn commitment made by the Chinese military to the world.
  • Third, Chinese modernisation has played its role in improving global governance. Facing growing deficits in global governance, China holds high the banner of multilateralism and endeavours to follow a vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. We take seriously the legitimate security concerns of other countries and are committed to advancing global security governance.
  • China upholds justice and equity and commits itself to bridging differences and enhancing solidarity. On the Ukraine issue, China has taken an objective and impartial stance based on the merits of the issue.
  • We will address security issues in emerging areas and explore the formulation of rules for space, cyber and biological security. In short, we will work towards a widely accepted, fair and equitable system of security rules.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, friends, throughout its 5,000-year history, the Chinese nation has always valued peace and harmony. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China more than 70 years ago, we never started a conflict, occupied an inch of foreign land, or raged a proxy war. China has one of the best peace record among major countries. China stays committed to the path of peaceful development. But we will never hesitate to defend our legitimate rights and interests, let alone sacrificing the nation's core interests.
  • As the lyrics of a well-known Chinese song goes, when friends visit us, we welcome them with fine wine. When jackals or wolves come, we will face them with shotguns. This illustrates that the Chinese people's character of being friendly and kind but not intimidated by strong power.
  • On the Taiwan question, it is the core of China's core interests. Taiwan is an internal affair of China, which is a primary and indisputable fact. Taiwan is China's Taiwan, and how to resolve the Taiwan question is a matter for the Chinese to decide. It groups no interference from foreign forces. As matter of fact, over 180 countries entered into diplomatic ties with China with the political commitment of abiding by the One China principle.
  • Let me make it clear once again, the more rampant the separatist activities for Taiwan independence are, the more resolute outcome the measures will be and all foreign interference will end up in failure. China's reunification is an overriding historical trend and an unstoppable course. The tolerant question arose as a result of weakness and chaos in our nation, and it will be resolved as national rejuvenation becomes a reality.
  • China must be and will be reunified. It is the aspiration of our people and in line with the trend of our times. We will strive for the prospects of peaceful reunification with at-most sincerity and greatest efforts, but we make no promise to renounce the use of force. If anyone dares to separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate for a second. We will fear no opponents and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, regardless of any cost.
  • It is undeniable that a severe conflict or confrontation between China and the US will be an unbearable disaster for the world. China believes that a major country should behave like one. Instead of provoking block confrontation for self-interests, it should bear in mind the interests of all, resolve differences through exchanges and cooperation and meet the aspirations of countries in the world. China and the US should not forget the history and need to draw lessons from history. China and the US have different systems and are different in many other ways. However, this should not keep the two sides from seeking common ground and common interests to grow bilateral ties and deepen cooperation.
  • History has proven time and again that both China and the United States will benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation. China seeks to develop a new type of major country relationship with the United States. As for the US side, it needs to act with sincerity, match its words with deeds and take concrete actions together with China to stabilise the relations and prevent further deterioration.
  • China and the US should properly handle differences, brave difficulties and find the right way to get along. The past few years have seen China-US relations at record low since forming diplomatic ties. I believe you all know the cause to such a difficult situation. The world is big enough for countries including China and the US to grow together. The right way for China and the US to get alone is following the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.
  • Our dreams are linked. People of different countries are pursuing their own Shangri-La, just like the Chinese people. Long and arduous as our journey may be, we will get to the destination as long as we take concrete steps. Let us work hand in hand to build an Asia Pacific community of shared future, promote stability, prosperity and development in our region, and make the Asia Pacific a better place.
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