Mario Andretti

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Mario Andretti (1991)

Mario Gabriele Andretti (born 28 February 1940) is an Italian-born American racing driver, arguably the most successful American in auto racing. During his career, he has won four Champcar titles, and the 1978 Formula One World Championship. Andretti is the only person ever to win the Indy 500, the Daytona 500, and the Formula One World Championship.




  • The first time I fired up a car, felt the engine shudder and the wheel come to life in my hands, I was hooked. It was a feeling I can't describe. I still get it every time I get into a race car.
  • Of course now that I am retired I see it from a totally different perspective, the bad days just don't look so bad to me, and I try to share that with Michael.
    • Super Speedway. Dir. Stephen Low. Perf. Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti. DVD. Openwheel Productions Inc., 1997..
  • When you are losing it can seem like there is a black cloud following you around, but like they say there is a silver lining in every cloud.
    • Super Speedway. Dir. Stephen Low. Perf. Mario Andretti, Michael Andretti. DVD. Openwheel Productions Inc., 1997..


  • The visas came through in 1955, when I was 15. That June, we sailed for New York aboard the Conte Biancamano. When we passed the Statue of Liberty, Anna Maria [my sister] tried to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner".
    • "Coming to America -- In the Fast Lane," "House Call," "Mansion," The Wall Street Journal (3 August 2018), M1