Surjit Bhalla

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Surjit Bhalla is an Indian economist, author and columnist, who is currently the Executive Director for India at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He was appointed as a member of the newly-formed Economic Advisory Council to the second Modi ministry, from where he resigned in December, 2018.




Media Dancing To Congress’s Tunes by Surajit Dasgupta - Jun 28, 2015, [1]
  • “this is a bravado that comes out of a sinking ship,”
  • “The consistency in the approach of mainstream media suggests there is coordination going on. Each person is not doing an investigation.”
  • [The head of Oxus Investments finds Times Now given the most to hyperventilation followed by NDTV and India Today.] “They are immensely biased; they need to be exposed.”
  • “I have said to these English channels that if there is an issue of national import, and not a local/Delhi issue, I don’t want to be there with an AAP guy. These channels — Times Now, NDTV and India Today — try to push these guys. What locus standi do they have? I just don’t understand. Basically it is to build up (a controversy to malign the government). This is something unusual. It cannot be that they can’t find anybody else. What I strongly feel and object to is that the news is much more biased than it has ever been. I have a lot of evidence to support that.”
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