Tim Tolkien

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The Sentinel by Tim Tolkien.

Tim Tolkien (born October 1962) is an English sculptor who has designed several monumental sculptures, including the award-winning Sentinel.


  • Public Art has a very different job to do than that of gallery pieces. They need to be acceptable to the wider community, often designed through public consultation, and they need to have a sense of place- ie ‘belong’ in some way to the space they occupy and the community that uses othat place, be it a school, a main round-about or a public open space. I have often been asked to produce artworks that recognise or commemorate iconic people or significant occasions. This is always a special duty and a privilege.
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dear sir I am trying to get in touch with Catherine Tolkien who was a friend of mine in Hulme Manchester I had a girlfriend called Sarah and a dog called pig (a doberman). I would like to talk to Catherine Tolkien again if that is possible. I can b contacted on nickspemcer15@gmail.com or by calling me on +447502135927. Many thanks for your time and help me Nicholas Spencer Burke MSc Bsc hons and OCN Level 3