World NGO Day

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World NGO Day is marked on February 27 every year. It is an international day for Non-governmental organizations. World NGO Day aims to inspire people to become more actively involved within NGOs and encourage a greater symbiosis between NGOs and both the public and private sector. The universal concept of the World NGO Day is Celebrate, Commemorate and Collaborate the various NGOs around the world, and the people behind them.

Quotes about World NGO Day


Intergovernmental and regional organization


European Union


European External Action Service

On World NGO Day, we celebrate the outstanding role civil society plays in ensuring that fundamental human rights are respected, that no one is left behind. ~ Federica Mogherini

European Commission


Council of Europe


United Nations



NGOs and civil society networks are powerful forces in advancing development agendas and protecting the rights of poor and marginalized people. ~ Helen Clark
  • Helen Clark: (..)UNDP is pleased to join the Government of Finland, UNESCO, UNOPS, the European Commission, and other partners in celebrating the tremendous work of NGOs, and of all the dedicated people working for them in countries around the world. NGOs and civil society networks are powerful forces in advancing development agendas and protecting the rights of poor and marginalized people.


  • (..)Working for the United Nations for many years I have seen the huge contribution NGOs have made to further the development, peacebuilding and humanitarian goals of the international community and, most importantly, to the lives of people in need. Personally, I believe that a World NGO day is an excellent opportunity to recognize and celebrate the successes of the sector, and also to provide a focus for new ideas.


  • NGOs today are important partners in all works of life(..)

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

  • ”(..)I hope my message will, in a small way, add to the voices from those who believe that the time has come for the international community, particularly through the United Nations, to designate a day in a year to be known as the World NGO Day..’’, (2012), World NGO Day. (July 2, 2013).

Countries and cities





  • Heidi Hautala (2012): ’’(..)To mark the exceptional and highly valuable work that the NGOs are doing, I warmly support the initiative to establishing an international World NGO Day. The calendar day can also serve as an opportunity to aim towards more capable and strong NGO sector and to ensure that there is also an enabling working environment for these organisations in every part of the world(..)’’, World NGO Day 2012. (September 27, 2013).


  • World NGO Day's intention is to inspire people to become more actively involved within NGO sector and encourage a greater symbiosis between NGOs and both the public and private sector.

Kingdom of Bahrain









World NGO Day is becoming an increasingly significant international day every year. ~ Sergey Sobyanin

Saint Petersburg



  • A vibrant and active civil society is an essential part of any strong democracy. Sweden supports civil society actors globally to curb the trend of its shrinking democratic space
    • Annika Ben David, Head of Sweden's delegation to IHRA, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, World NGO Day 2018:. (February 27, 2018).
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