Wikiquote:Requested entries/People

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Misc people 1

  • When angry, count to four; when very angry, swear.
  • "Any effort to save money results in an excess expenditure directly proportional to the square of the amount trying to be saved."
  • The difference in age between the captain and the girl is directly proportional to the length of the boat.

Misc people 2

  • In comic strips, the person on the right always speaks first.
  • Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.
  • People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.

Beth Gutchin


David Ricardo




James B Dunn


Joshua L. Chamberlain


George Pickett


Yoko Kanno


Jack the Ripper


Edith Piaf


Demetri Martin


Albert Einstein


Woody Allen


George Q. Cannon


I do not even know who this person is, but again, a wonderful quote:

"These birds and animals and fish cannot speak, but they can suffer, and our God who created them, knows their sufferings, and will hold him who causes them to suffer unnecessarily to answer for it. It is a sin against their Creator." - George Q. Cannon

That is a wonderful quote, found it sourced here. I agree George Q. Cannon should have an article. HouseOfChange (talk) 14:01, 13 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

George Michael


- I've never rushed into anything ... and that's an understatement!

John Henson


I request a page for John Henson, co-host of watch this.

Pete Rozelle


Vision: Is the art of seeing things that were invisible to others.

Matt Mickle


"Humans have always suffered, until now they have never suffered so comfortably"

suburban life is a tragic story in of itself

Scott Bennett


Live in the presence, while you learn form the past and wait for the future. Life will be most satisfying this way. - Scott Bennett

Fushigi Yugi


A collection of quotes would be greatly appreciated.

Nikki Hornsby


Inside all of Nikki Hornsby's commerically released music CDs is a quote she wrote years ago that should be in the Wikiquote webpage.

"I'll never touch a cloud with my fingertips but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try!".

Please add

Thank you, CJP Staff

Another one Nikki wrote in college as a Psych & Theology Major is: "I see the faults that make us human and cry from pure joy that we are"

One more that she wrote when she was in grade school: "I'd rather face the consequences of the truth, than the reprocussions of a lie"

Here are two links to those "NIKKISMS" that can be easily found online:

Jacob Burckhardt


German Wikipedia has the possible equivalent: de:Jacob Burckhardt. While I could try translating them, quotes from good published translations will be greater. --Aphaia 23:39, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Arnold H. Glasow

  • Arnold H. Glasow
  • A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.
  • Expecting something for nothing is the most popular form of hope.
  • Improvement begins with I.
  • Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

John C. Maxwell


w:John C. Maxwell (born 1947) is the sexiest man in the world'Bold text', author, and "leadership expert." He is the founder of Injoy, a "people development company." He graduated from w:Azusa Pacific University.

Maxwell has written over forty books (mostly on leadership), including The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (with Zig Ziglar) and The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will Want to Follow, among others. His books have sold over seven million copies, with several on the New York Times Best Seller's List and translations in over fifty languages.[1]

Quotes by w:John C. Maxwell

"Policies are many, Principles are few, Policies will change, Principles never do."

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."

"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."

"Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple."

"Good executives never put off until tomorrow what they can get someone else to do today."

"If you're lying, you're lying."

"Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them. "

"Leadership is influence."

"Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best."

"People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision."

"Policies are many, Principles are few, Policies will change, Principles never do."

"Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up."

"The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up."

"The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one. "

"The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or whatever. Do it without motivation. And then, guess what? After you start doing the thing, that's when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it."

"We choose what attitudes we have right now. And it's a continuing choice."

Ritsuko Okazaki


ここに生きてる意味がわかるよ I know i was born with a reason to live. 生まれ落ちた喜びを知る and I know the happiness of being alive

約束 お願いはひとつだけ Promise me, my dear friend, 生きて 生きて Live on. Live on.

どんな時にも なげてはだめよそれは Wherever you are, whenever it is, never give up. なによりチャ一ミングなこと Then, it will be the most ‘charming’ thing in the world. I'm

alright. I love you. I love my life. I'm always close to you.

Thomas J. Cairney


'Life should be deemed as a series of tests; each separated by a period of reflection and revision for the next. When one makes a wrong judgement, a simple mistake, they may feel as though they have failed either in that respected area of life or failed life completely. However what many do not realise is that life is a series of tests, and you can not dwell on the last test forever as sure enough the next one will arrive. But most importantly, life is a series of tests with unlimited re-sits, each of which you can learn from'- Thomas J. Cairney 20th February 2007

Sybille Bedford


To remain monolingual reduces the mind to the confines of a tramline. The civilized mind needs alternatives for its expression.

Sybille Bedford, Quicksands: A Memoir, 2005.

Be strict in what you send but generous in what you receive


Who first said (in computing) "Be strict in what you send, but generous in what you receive"? Pigsonthewing 11:22, 26 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia has it at

John Marsden


If anyone could get a collection of quotes together from John Marsden and his books it would be very much appreciated! Australian Author John Marsden wrote The Tomorrow Series, The Ellie Chronicles, So Much To Tell You, etc.

Albert Pines


"What we do for ouselves dies with us, What we do for others and the world is eternal" Albert Pines

This is a quote from Albert Pike, not Albert Pines, from his book Ex Corde Locutiones: Words from the Heart Spoken of His Dead Brethren P.11. The quote was used in the TV show Criminal Minds and the quote was incorrectly credited to Pines.



Ricky Gervais


Lil Wayne


"I walk light, so I don't piss the ground off."

"She, she licks me like a lollipop."

"Man I swear ma' bitches do it 'til they suck teh' brown off."

"I'm the bomb like - tick.. tick."

"Always talk to God, never listen to the cops."

"You can't get on ma' level. You goin' need a space shuttle or a ladder 'dats fo'eva'."

"No love lost. No love found."

John Gunther


John Gunther

Jennifer Thibeaux


Jennifer Thibeaux

Thomas Sowell


Thomas Sowell

Sir Barnett Cocks


Barnett Cocks

Greg McLean


Greg McLean

NASCAR drivers


Additional pages on NASCAR drivers.

Denzel Washington


Nick Clegg


Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa


Billy Meier


Anthony Douglas Williams


Swami Vivekananda


Melton Berle


Todd Biesiada


Ric Flair


Karl May


Anastasia Lin


William Harwood


Matthew Hill


Stephen Breyer


Sukanto Tanoto


Charles J.C. Lyall




J K Galbraith


Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton


José Moscardó


Private Military / Private Intelligence


There are a lot of quotable personalities in the private sector, like:

Jose Mujica




Arpit Rana


Arpit Rana is an Indian Solopreneur, he has made 3 websites up to now. Interviewed 10+ Indian Celebrities including millionaires and 1 American Business Coach. Arpit Rana is a civil engineer by education and started blogging in 2nd year of engineering. Later, he did professional digital marketing studies directly from google and National Open University, London. Arpit Rana is among the youngest business founders in the world, one of his ventures is here quote. Arpit Rana is the founder of or here quote. It is the world’s first positive social media where users can signup and submit their posts.

The whole idea of here quote is to spread positivity through quotes and members can also give their quotes. They can also be found for their quotes and photos directly on google. Here quote is one of the world’s fastest rising websites on Alexa charts.

Baba Amte

  • "I don't want to be a great leader; I want to be a man who goes around with a little oilcan and when he sees a breakdown, offers his help. To me, the man who does that is greater than any holy man in saffron-coloured robes. The mechanic with the oilcan: that is my ideal in life." [1]
  • "I took up leprosy work not to help anyone, but to overcome that fear in my life. That it worked out good for others was a by-product. But the fact is I did it to overcome fear." [2]

E. T. Whittaker


Hi Whittaker has a couple of quotes dealing with gravitation and the big bang and the subject is very notable, but I am not sure if the two quotes i have actually seen around from him qualifies for a page. I saw that your notability article is only an essay and not policy, so wish to ask those with more experience. 2600:6C51:797F:9A60:B476:CC68:77EA:A783 07:52, 1 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville




kagame Paul


."I firmly believe that these two issues, constitute the ultimate solution to the conflict. We are more than willing to resolve this issue once and for all" PAUL KAGAME ."We cannot turn the clock back nor can we undo the harm caused, but we have the power to determine the future and to ensure that what happened never happens again." PAUL KAGAME

Ndahiro derrick (talk) 22:18, 4 January 2021 (UTC) .[reply]

Shota Rustaveli

[edit] --ჯეო (talk) 19:15, 12 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Sanju Samson


Sanju Samson is an Indian cricketer. I request if a wikiquote article will be created on him. Also I also wants to know if I can create one by any means.

Bill Wurtz


Bill Wurtz is an American musician, who has some pretty good quotes and lyrics.

  • Mount St. Helen's is about to blow up, and it's gonna be a fine and swell day.
Article has been created by someone: Y Done -- DeirgeDel tac 22:33, 18 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Arnold Palmer


Here's a quotation by a man, who goes or went by Arnold Palmer: “Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.” --Apisite (talk) 09:50, 22 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Umar Farooq Gul


Umar Farooq Gul

  • If you want to be successful, Make a Goal, then plan it & then start Execution soon you will see the Results*
  • A time is the most important thing in life & it cannot come back to use it for the meaningful purpose*
  • If you want to become a leader then be a good reader first*
  • Education helps you open new doors of Opportunities*
  • Life is full of Opportunities , only those are successful who are taking serious these opportunities & start immediate work*

Leornard Peltier


Lakota Elder Political prisoner. One of the founders of the American Indian Movement or A.I.M

Gregson Maluma


Gregson Maluma born May 5, 1998 is Zambian martial artist who is commonly knowns as Greg Maluma.


  • Its not what our parents do for us that makes us who we are, it is what they teach us to do
    • Japanese ambassadors karate tournament 2014

  • When the attacker is so determined to take your life, you must be equally determined to preserve it, that is the art of self defense
    • greg maluma

  • Be a warrior in the Garden or Gardener in war, the whole decision is yours to make
    • re-written greg maluma

Robert (Bob) Bartlett


Honestly surprised Bob Bartlett is not on this page given his historical significance. Is anyone here willing to give Newfoundland's finest sailor some recognition?

Pauline Nordin Quotes


“A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it; no money can buy it. You cannot borrow it, you cannot inherit it, you cannot steal it. You cannot hold onto it without constant work. It shows discipline, it shows self-respect, it shows patience, work ethic, and passion. That is why I do what I do. -Pauline Nordin founder of Fighterdiet

Steve Covey


If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.

Steve Prefontaine


Don't let fatigue make a coward of you.

Brendan 4873


Hard times don't create heroes,it is during those hard times when the hero within us is revealed

The harder the battle,the sweeter the victory.


  1. 1 I mean I'm pretty sure I'm not a civilian after this one.

1 "Well I mean like, a couple of civilian deaths never hurt anyone, except for the civilians that died."

  1. 2 When physics break in a "Realistic" game.

2 "Well, I'm pretty sure this is how physics work, so it must be realistic."

  1. 3 I don't even know what this one means.

3 "I like how people who like saying "I like how people who like saying (Insert text here.) are never smart) are always so (Insert text here.)"

  1. 4 Like seriously, we spent way too much ink, so we just put classified.

4 "Okay so, all you have to do is this: well, I mean like it just says classified so ummm I don't really know."

  1. 5 Its just there man.

5 "Hmm, well I mean I don't know where the wood came from but, its here."

  1. 6 I mean yeah.

6 "I mean, you could say I say "I mean, you could say I say"."



Please give me money - DaBaby 2022

Md Nahid Islam


I want to do human service all my life. I want everyone to survive through volunteer work.

Walter Charles Langer


See Walter C. Lager quote in Adolf_Hitler#Quotes_about_Hitler

Shoko Asahara


Hello, I have written a lot of quotes down, but can not publish the text because I am told it is "harmful". Why?

  • Frankly speaking, those who think that this world is pleasurable are not suited for our practice. For they have not yet come to a deadlock in their lives, wich becomes a motive of spiritual practice.
    • The First Speech
  • For example, here is an orange. Suppose that a man eats it for the first time an thinks, "Oh how delicious an range is!" Altough he may think it delicious at first, what if he eats five, ten or twenty oranges a day? What if he does so every day? He will sureley get tired of them, won´t he? By the same token, he gets tired of any kind of expirience sooner or later.
    • The First Speech
  • You should attain enlightenment through Jnana Yoga and then attain emancipation through Kundalini Yoga.
    • The First Speech
  • Because of worldly desires we were born in this world. Because of our desires and adherene ce we can not get out of the cycle of reincarantion. then if we are freed from worldly desires, we will never be born in this world of suffferings. We can go to a hbappy world in higher dimension.
    • The First Speech

Dimitri Pletschette




Dimitri Pletschette is a blogger, digital product manager, and technology enthusiast who has gained popularity for his blog posts on Medium and the Microsoft Tech Community. He was born in Colmar, Alsace, France, on September 25th, 1978, and lives nowadays in Europe with his family. Dimitri has a Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship & Management. He spent the past ten years working on IT projects for some of the world's most innovative brands in the Life Sciences industry.

Famous quote


"I do not take myself seriously, but I take my work very seriously" Dimitri Pletschette



Official Website Dimitri Pletschette on Google Dimitri Pletschette on LinkedIn Dimitri Pletschette on Twitter Dimitri Pletschette on Medium Dimitri Pletschette on Microsoft Dimitri Pletschette on IMDB

Gouverneur Morris (novelist)


There was an American founding father named Gouverneur Morris, who has a page. Unfortunately, at least one of the quotes is actually from a novelist that was named for him. Please address the error. 05:20, 12 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Leela Row Dayal


Leela Row Dayal: Per w:Leela Row Dayal & [3] would likely be worthy of a Wikiquote article. -- DeirgeDel tac 22:30, 18 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Y Done --Immutatus (talk) 22:07, 23 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Symbol Mosieleng


--Llllllllllllllxlllll (talk) 14:15, 10 July 2023 (UTC)This is the best day of my life.Will you become my friend😋[reply]

Jonathan Rosenbaum


It’s amazing how much of American culture in the arts is tailored to and comes from the mentality of ten-year-old boys. It’s in the politics, too.

Michael F Totten


Mosab Hassan Yousef


SAMANJA (NIGERIAN ACTOR, MAY 1942 – NOVEMBER 2023) Usman Pategi (called Samanja) was a Nigerian Actor who acted in the Military Drama called Samanja. He was born into the Patigi royal family. As a growing child, he lived on Gumel Road in the house of the then richest man in Kaduna, Alhaji Audu Kwangila Bidda, where he later joined the Nigerian Amry. After 18 years of service, he retired and went into Acting.



“He trusted me and I was the custodian of his safe. He gave me the key to his safe, tied to his prayer bead. I was the treasurer who opened the safe, made payments to people, or issued donations to the needy. I would read from a list and he would say give so and so this amount and tell so and so to come back some other time.”  


Refaat Alareer

This Palestinian poet was killed on !2/7/23. His last poem went viral on X

Donald Soper


An article should be made on this Methodist Social activist.

First Quote could be

"A man who was good in the essential sense of the word and that is the goodness of abounding charity". Donald Soper, speech at the memorial service for Bevan in Ebbw Vale (15 July 1960), quoted in The Times (16 July 1960), p. 4

I will be back with more

Nicolas Poussin


A 17th-yearhundred (century) French painter, with a least the following quotation from a yet-to-be-cited literary work.

  • “A painting must incorporate the highest moral connotation, which is illustrated through the structure that can convey the cognitive contents.”

First found at:

Thanks for reading. --Apisite (talk) 23:14, 6 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Ramon Andres Quevedo


Good afternoon,

A former teacher of mine, Ramon A. Qeuevedo, that worked at Bebensee Elementary in Arlington, TX would say, "Of course you don't know it, it is called learning. if you knew it, it would be called review.". or "of course you don't know it, it is called learning. if you already knew it, it would be called review." I see that one version of this quote is listed in and the quote is attributed to him. What can I do to include the quote here?

I believe he is now a Mathematics Teacher at Nichols Junior High School in Arlington, Texas.

Thank you, Gabby Estrada