Wikiquote:Requested entries/Proverbs

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Cheating never end but cheaters never succeed

fraud, trickery, imposture, or imposition  happens everyday but the truth always win.  Cheating  is employed to create an unfair advantage, usually in one's own interest, and often at the expense of others.




Alcoholic Proverbs: words from the incomprehensible fall.


Alcoholism is not a disease ruled by ordered thinking and common sense. This is why close family members, lovers, and friends are often baffled by the behavior of their loved one, who is buried in their cups.

Brian Laursen- 2022



Attribute your attitude's altitude to be greater than the attribute of aptitude. Canadian citizen Jeffrey D. Moore

Practice until you can’t get it wrong


The full saying is: "Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong", presumably by an unknown author. Similar in spirit to "Practice makes perfect". See this entry on for a little more detail. Loadmaster (talk) 19:54, 6 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]